1 Faster access compared to standard tax refund electronic deposit and subject to IRS submitting refund information to the bank before release date. IRS may not submit refund information early.
2 Transactions at non-MoneyPass® ATMs have a $3.50 American Express Serve fee. ATM Operator fees may also apply. See serve.com/jacksonhewitt/atm for details.
3 $25 provide on an American Express Serve® Card, Bluebird® or Walmart® eGift Card. Not valid with any other promotion or discount, valid only when tax refund is added onto a Serve Card or Bluebird Card. Avilable only to customers with no prior debt. Does not apply to an amendment or extension, Product fees excluded. Valid at participating locations only. Ask a Tax Pro for details. American Express Serve and Bluebird: Eligibility, fees, and restrictions apply. See the customer User Agreements at serve.com/jacksonhewitt/legal and bluebird.com/legal for details. Valid at participating locations only.
Terms & Conditions
$25 GIFT:
$25 provided on an American Express Serve® Card, Bluebird® or Walmart eGift. Not valid with any other promotion or discount, valid only when tax refund is added onto a Serve Card or Bluebird Card. Available only to customers with no prior debt. Does not apply to an amendment or extension. Product fees excluded. Valid at participating locations only. Ask a Tax Pro for details. American Express Serve and Bluebird: Eligibility, fees, and restrictions apply. See the Consumer User Agreements at serve.com/jacksonhewitt/legal and bluebird.com/legal for details. Valid at participating locations only.