With our 100% Accuracy Guarantee, if there is an error preparing your return, your local office will cover penalties and interest. Maximum refund guaranteed or your tax preparation fee back. Maximum Refund Guarantee only applies to federal refund determined with filed tax return. Terms and conditions apply. Ask a Tax Pro for details. Valid at participating locations only.
Terms & Conditions
$50 GIFT:
$50 provided on an American Express Serve® Card, Bluebird® or Walmart eGift. Not valid with any other promotion or discount, valid only when tax refund is added onto a Serve Card or Bluebird Card. Available only to customers with no prior debt. Does not apply to an amendment or extension. Product fees excluded. Valid at participating locations only. Ask a Tax Pro for details. American Express Serve and Bluebird: Eligibility, fees, and restrictions apply. See the Consumer User Agreements at serve.com/jacksonhewitt/legal and bluebird.com/legal for details. Valid at participating locations only.
$100 GIFT:
$100 provided on an American Express Serve® Card, Bluebird® or Walmart eGift. Not valid with any other promotion or discount, valid only when tax refund is added onto a Serve Card or Bluebird Card. Available only to customers with no prior debt. Does not apply to an amendment or extension. Product fees excluded. Valid at participating locations only. Ask a Tax Pro for details. American Express Serve and Bluebird: Eligibility, fees, and restrictions apply. See the Consumer User Agreements at serve.com/jacksonhewitt/legal and bluebird.com/legal for details. Valid at participating locations only.
The Express Refund Advance is a tax-refund related loan provided by MetaBank® (it is not the actual tax refund). Available for a limited time. The amount of the advance will be deducted from tax refunds and reduce the amount that is paid directly to the taxpayer. Tax returns may be filed electronically without applying for this loan. Availability is subject to satisfaction of identity verification, eligibility criteria, application, approval, underwriting standards, and other terms and conditions. Only $200-$400 available with a paystub (or other acceptable pre-year-end income verification), and remaining amounts available upon filing tax return with the IRS. IRS delays may affect the delivery timing of loan proceeds. Disbursement rules apply. Funds loaded onto card within an hour and direct deposit next business day. Ask Tax Pro for details. Valid at participating locations only.
100% Accuracy Guaranteed: With our 100% Accuracy Guarantee, if there is an error preparing your return, your local office will cover penalties and interest. You must: (a) notify your local office in writing or in person within 30 days of the date set forth in the first letter you receive from any taxing authority concerning your covered tax return (and promptly at any time you otherwise discover any error); (b) provide copies of all documents related to the claim or otherwise requested (including any letters from a taxing authority and all documentation supporting your tax return); and (c) allow an investigation into the penalty, interest, additional tax or refund shortfall, in any manner appropriate, and cooperate and assist in these efforts (including signing appropriate authorizations). You are responsible for paying the appropriate taxing authorities in a timely fashion, regardless of reimbursement, as the case may be. Coverage under the 100% Accuracy Guarantee is subject to payment of tax preparation fees. Coverage under the 100% Accuracy Guarantee does not apply to the following situations ("Exclusions"): (i) you provided incorrect, incomplete or false information; (ii) your tax refund was reduced or not received as a result of a tax lien, judgment, support order, unpaid student or government-related loans, back taxes, or any other collection activity; (iii) you are unable to substantiate a deduction, credit, or other position taken on the covered tax return (whether it be a failure to produce sufficient documentation or otherwise); (iv) you failed to timely file the tax return or pay the taxes shown as owing on such return; (v) fraud; and/or (vi) for Affordable Care Act (ACA) tax preparation and related ACA services and/or (vi) for Affordable Care Act (ACA) tax preparation and/or related ACA services (collectively "ACA Services"), or for any changes in income from the prior year(s) and reconciled in the current tax year that may affect the Premium Tax Credit advance for which the taxpayer was eligible to receive, or for income estimates made in any tax year that may affect any tax year reconciliation process in Form 8962 Premium Tax Credit (collectively "Excluded ACA Services"). The only ACA Services included are Line 61-Form 1040, Line 38-Form 1040A, Line 11-Form 1040EZ, Form 8962–Premium Tax Credit (but not for Excluded ACA Services), and Form 8965-Health Coverage Exemptions. Void if you refile with another tax preparation. Valid at participating locations only.
Referral paid for each new client only. A new client did not file 2015 tax year return at Jackson Hewitt. Certificate must be presented in conjunction with paid tax preparation. Valid at participating locations only.
Maximum Refund Guaranteed: Maximum refund guaranteed or your tax preparation fee back. If you are entitled to a larger refund, we'll refund the tax preparation fees paid to us for that filed return (other product and service fees excluded). Federal returns only. Same tax facts must apply. You must file an amended return with another paid tax preparation company and/or online provider by April 18, 2017 and submit your claim no later than October 15, 2017 with proof that the IRS accepted the positions taken on the amended return.
With our 100% Accuracy Guarantee, if there is an error preparing your return, your local office will cover penalties and interest. Maximum refund guaranteed or your tax preparation fee back. Maximum Refund Guarantee only applies to federal refund determined with filed tax return. Terms and conditions apply. Ask a Tax Pro for details. Valid at participating locations only.
$50 provided on a Walmart eGift Card. Not valid with any other promotion or discount. Not valid with any other promotion or discount, valid only when tax refund is added onto an American Express Serve® Card or Bluebird® Card. Available only to customers with no prior debt. Does not apply to an amendment or extension. Product fees excluded. Valid at participating locations only. Ask a Tax Pro for details. American Express Serve and Bluebird: Eligibility, fees, and restrictions apply. See the Consumer User Agreements at serve.com/jacksonhewitt/legal and bluebird.com/legal for details. Valid at participating locations only.
$100 provided on a Walmart eGift Card. Not valid with any other promotion or discount. Not valid with any other promotion or discount, valid only when tax refund is added onto an American Express Serve® Card or Bluebird® Card. Available only to customers with no prior debt. Does not apply to an amendment or extension. Product fees excluded. Valid at participating locations only. Ask a Tax Pro for details. American Express Serve and Bluebird: Eligibility, fees, and restrictions apply. See the Consumer User Agreements at serve.com/jacksonhewitt/legal and bluebird.com/legal for details. Valid at participating locations only.
An Assisted Refund (AR) permits payment of tax preparation and other fees with your refund upon completion of services. It is not a loan. Bank or Servicer's AR fee and other fees apply. AR provided and processed by Republic Bank & Trust Company, Member FDIC or provided by Santa Barbara Tax Products Group, LLC using banking services of Civista Bank, Member FDIC. Ask a Tax Pro for details and refund options with no additional cost. Valid at participating locations only.
Worry-Free Gold Guarantee: If a taxing authority notifies you of a tax return error, contact Jackson Hewitt and, present your Gold Guarantee Certificate. Resolution may include reimbursement for any additional tax liability or reduction in your refund amount up to $5,000. Fees, terms and conditions apply. You must: (a) notify your local office in writing or in person within 30 days of the date set forth in the first letter you receive from any taxing authority concerning your covered tax return (and promptly at any time you otherwise discover any error); (b) provide copies of all documents related to the claim or otherwise requested (including any letters from a taxing authority and all documentation supporting your tax return); and (c) allow an investigation into the penalty, interest, additional tax or refund shortfall, in any manner appropriate, and cooperate and assist in these efforts (including signing appropriate authorizations). You are responsible for paying the appropriate taxing authorities in a timely fashion, regardless of reimbursement, as the case may be. Gold Guarantee coverage is subject to payment for the Gold Guarantee. Coverage under the Gold Guarantee does not apply to the following situations ("Exclusions"): (i) you provided incorrect, incomplete or false information; (ii) your tax refund was reduced or not received as a result of a tax lien, judgment, support order, unpaid student or government-related loans, back taxes, or any other collection activity; (iii) you are unable to substantiate a deduction, credit, or other position taken on the covered tax return (whether it be a failure to produce sufficient documentation or otherwise); (iv) you failed to timely file the tax return or pay the taxes shown as owing on such return; (v) fraud; and/or (vi) for Affordable Care Act (ACA) tax preparation and related ACA services and/or (vi) for Affordable Care Act (ACA) tax preparation and/or related ACA services (collectively "ACA Services"), or for any changes in income from the prior year(s) and reconciled in the current tax year that may affect the Premium Tax Credit advance for which the taxpayer was eligible to receive, or for income estimates made in any tax year that may affect any tax year reconciliation process in Form 8962 Premium Tax Credit (collectively "Excluded ACA Services"). The only ACA Services included are Line 61-Form 1040, Line 38-Form 1040A, Line 11-Form 1040EZ, Form 8962–Premium Tax Credit (but not for Excluded ACA Services), and Form 8965-Health Coverage Exemptions. Additional requirements apply for Gold Guarantee. Refer to the Gold Guarantee Certificate for details. The Gold Guarantee is available at participating locations only and is not available in all states. You must have a valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) to purchase the Gold Guarantee. Additional requirements apply for Gold Guarantee. Refer to the Gold Guarantee Certificate for details. The Gold Guarantee is available at participating locations only and is not available in all states. You must have a valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) to purchase the Gold Guarantee. Void if you refile with another tax preparation company. Valid at participating locations only.
$48 OFFER IS FOR FEDERAL 1040EZ WITH UP TO TWO W-2S. NOT AVAILABLE FOR EITC, INTEREST INCOME, UNEMPLOYMENT INCOME, AND HEALTHCARE RETURNS. Additional fees apply for state, local, and more complex federal tax returns, financial products and other services. Ask a Tax Pro for details. Valid at participating locations only.
$48 OFFER IS FOR FEDERAL 1040ez WITH UP TO TWO W-2S. NOT AVAILABLE FOR EITC, INTEREST INCOME, UNEMPLOYMENT INCOME, AND HEALTHCARE RETURNS. ADDITIONAL FEES APPLY FOR STATE, LOCAL AND MORE COMPLEX FEDERAL TAX RETURNS, FINANCIAL PRODUCTS AND OTHER SERVICES. $50 provided only when American Express Serve® Card or Bluebird® Card selected for federal refund disbursement. Valid at participating locations only and may not be combined with any other offer. Available only to customers with no prior year Jackson Hewitt debt. No other promotion coupon or discount valid with this promotion. Does not apply to amendment or extension. Ask a Tax Pro for details. American Express Serve and Bluebird: Eligibility, fees, and restrictions apply. See the Consumer User Agreements at serve.com/jacksonhewitt/legal and bluebird.com/legal for details. American Express Serve prepaid cards are issued by American Express travel Related Services Company, Inc., 200 Vesey Street, New York, NY 10285. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. Valid at participating locations only.
Never pay more:
Offer valid on tax preparation fees only and on no other product or service. May not be combined with any other offer, discount or promotional price. Valid at participating locations only.
IRS Audit Assistance:
Jackson Hewitt cannot act as your legal counsel, financial advisor, or otherwise represent you in connection with an audit. Ask a Tax Pro for details. Valid at participating locations only.
*Subject to a valid offer claim form; TV purchase price must be equal or greater than $500; price refers to actual out-of-pocket pre-tax, post-discount, post-promotional cost of products; delivery and other charges excluded. Must be an eligible legal resident of the 50 US/DC & at least 18 years old. To participate: (i) from 12/15/16 through 4/23/17 sign up for Jackson Hewitt tax services and file your taxes with a participating Jackson Hewitt; (ii) purchase a qualifying Samsung TV from any authorized Samsung dealer (visit bit.ly/1iQsOa9 for list of authorized dealers) where the TV purchase price is equal to or greater than $500 (prices refer to actual out-of-pocket pre-tax, post-discount, post-promotional cost of products; delivery and other charges exclued) between 12/15/16 – 4/23/17 and (iii) submit your receipt and follow instructions at promos.samsungpromotions.com/TaxTime to submit an Offer Claim Form online by 4/30/17 at 11:59:59 PM ET but only while supplies last, whichever occurs first. Subject to verification of purchase receipt and Offer Claim Form, receive a $50 check. No more than 15,000 checks are available. Limit 1 offer claim per email address/person. Offer only valid while supplies last. Checks are non-transferrable. Cannot be combined with any other offer, discount, or rebate; TV purchased can only be used to claim 1 Samsung offer. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Offer subject to complete Terms and Conditions available on the Website, which include how to participate & additional restrictions. Valid at participating locations only.
Fees, terms and conditions apply for Audit Security Gold GuaranteeSM. To access these services, you must: (i) Contact the IRS (with the assistance of Jackson Hewitt and/or its contractors) per the audit notice received to request an extension of the deadline for responding; (ii) Notify Jackson Hewitt and/or its contractors of any IRS correspondence or notice regarding the return within 15 days from the date of such notice along with a complete copy of the return; (iii) Provide Jackson Hewitt and/or its contractors any further assistance or documents as requested that support claims made on the return; (iv) Pay the Audit Security Gold GuaranteeSM fee. You agree that: (i) You have read this Agreement carefully and accept the terms and conditions; (ii) These services can be used only for your personal benefit; (iii) The Audit Security Gold GuaranteeSM is not insurance; (iv) You have truthfully provided correct, accurate and complete information to the Jackson Hewitt Tax Pro who prepared your return; (v) Failure to comply with procedure and strategy actions recommended by your program case manager may result in an IRS ruling unfavorable to you; (vi) Failure or refusal to comply with requests or instructions from the IRS during an audit may result in adverse actions taken by the IRS to your detriment; (vii) Jackson Hewitt Inc. and its contractors will not be held responsible for the outcome of an audit and reserve the right to cease providing services when reasonably warranted; (viii) Your specific information, including all information that you disclosed to your Jackson Hewitt Tax Pro or has been included on your return, may be disclosed by Jackson Hewitt Inc. to its contractors and used by Jackson Hewitt Inc. and its contractors in a manner consistent with this Agreement; (ix) You forever release, acquit and discharge Jackson Hewitt Inc. and its contractors and their employees, agents and affiliates from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action that you or your legal representative(s) may have by reason of any monetary damage or personal injury sustained as a result of or during the cause of the use of any and all services.
Exclusions: (i) Non-Resident federal returns; (ii) Returns other than individual 1040 returns including, but not limited to, corporate, partnership, trust, estate, gift and employment returns; (iii) Returns in which you had knowledge of additional taxes owed as of the date you enrolled in the Audit Security Gold GuaranteeSM program; (iv) Local city and county returns; (v) Returns that have become subject to IRS criminal investigations; (vi) IRS inquiries and/or audits resulting from a change in the interpretation of the tax law that occurs after the return was prepared; (vii) IRS inquiries related to foreign income, flow-through entities (partnerships and S-corporations as reported on Schedule K), court awards and damages, bartering income, cancelled debt, estate and gift tax; (vii) IRS inquiries related to the following credits: Foreign tax credit, Plug-in electric vehicle credit, Residential energy efficient property credit, Mortgage interest credit, Credit to holders of tax credit bonds, Health coverage tax credit, "Credit" for prior year minimum tax, "Credit" for excess Social Security tax or railroad retirement tax withheld. Due to a lack of clarity from the IRS on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), we may not be able to assist with all IRS inquiries and audits related to the ACA.
The Audit Security Gold GuaranteeSM is not available in Tennessee or Hawaii. New Hampshire Residents Only: In the event you do not receive satisfaction under the Audit Security Gold GuaranteeSM, you may contact the New Hampshire Insurance Department at 21 South Fruit Street, Suite 14, Concord NH 03301 or 603-271-2261.